Mandalas and The Moon

Mandala Moon is such a fun name for our candle company, yet in addition to its playfulness, there is deeper meaning and intentional purpose.

The word mandala is a Sanskrit term that means “sacred circle”.  

While mandalas are sacred symbols of Buddhism, Hinduism and other Eastern religions, the circular shape is equally important in almost all cultures and religious traditions around the world. In Eastern cultures, mandalas have been used for centuries in practicing mediation to gain understanding from within. In Christianity, there are a number of sacred images and ritual décor that use the circular shape to connect the spiritual realm with the earthly realm.  Magnificent windows that decorate the world’s churches and cathedrals are a very predominant use of mandalas.  

In its most basic circular form, a mandala represents geometric patterns that build off of a central point, often used to connect with a spiritual power through meditation, prayer, and contemplation. The circular design symbolizes the idea that life is never ending and everything is connected.  Mandalas are about unity.


Like mandalas, the moon is also quite fascinating.  A basic circular sphere that revolves around the sun and the Earth creating different phases within in its journey.  We see the phases of the moon because a portion of the moon is illuminated as it moves through its orbit in space.

As humans, we also go through phases and changes that illuminate different aspects of our beings for others to see. 

Mandala Moon Candle Company is about illumination.  It is about looking within, understanding connection, embracing phases and illuminating your life in a most authentic way.  Mandala Moon Candle Co. is also about being radiant and sharing the light from within to create a sense of love, acceptance and grace.

For us, the beautiful hand-drawn mandalas represent a place of wholeness and the concept of true connection. 

Mandalas are inspiring creations that allow us to reflect on how we see ourselves in relation to each other and the world in which we all live. Mandalas provide energy and rhythm that enable us to go inward to our own souls and then move outward form a place of authenticity of self.  

Mandala Patterns Found in Nature

Inspiring Quotes

Be Radiant * Shine Light * Illuminate Love